今年,3月に行ったワシントンDCでの Anual Meeting of Society of Toxicology
熊谷先生が,HESI Young Investigator Award を授賞しました。
Dear 2011 Endowment Fund Award winners. Congratulations on be a recipient of a SOT Endowment Fund Award. The funding for these awards are made possible by the generous contributions of the SOT membership. The members of the Society are interested in learning more about you and your research. They want to know that their donations are being put to good use to further toxicological research. Your answers to the questionnaire that you completed upon winning one of the SOT Endowment Fund awards has been edited for placement on the SOT Endowment Fund Web site. Please take a couple of minutes to review the information on the Web site: http://www.toxicology.org/ai/csot/endowAwards11.asp
Please respond to this message by COB on June 17 if you have any edits and or comments regarding your citation information. For individual who have yet provided your picture and responses to the questionnaire, please respond ASAP. We want to make sure you are acknowledged along with the other award winners. You also are welcome to contact SOT Headquarters at 703 438-3115, ext. 1455 if you would like to speak directly with Clarissa Russell Wilson is the staff liaison to the SOT Endowment Fund. Sincerely, Clarissa Russell Wilson Deputy Executive Director |